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NETA Webinars

NETA webinars allow our members to participate in engaging discussions on a variety of topics to increase skills and strengthen the long-term commitment to public media's education mission. We work closely with thought leaders throughout the system, including our PLC Executive Committees, to produce timely and content-rich online events. 

Archived NETA webinars and all associating materials can be found on

Fill out this form if you're interested in hosting a webinar, or contact us with any questions you may have.

Archived Webinars

In partnership with 10 public media stations across the country and with support from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, The WNET Group officially launched the American Graduate: Jobs Explained project in May 2023. Prior to posting social media videos about various in-demand industries and jobs on Instagram and TikTok, the newly recruited social video specialists at each station attended a series of WNET-led, virtual professional development workshops.

Fear of failure prevents us from:

  • Trying new things
  • Taking on new challenges
  • Exposing yourself to new experiences

This 90-minute course introduces you to the statistics around the fear that's holding you back. You'll learn:

This 90-minute course introduces you to the research by author Dr. Tim Elmore and will equip you with strategies to create a better working environment with the four primary generations in today's workforce. Only 20% of businesses have a strategy for intergenerational work. Leaders need to capitalize on what each generation brings to the team and leverage it as a competitive advantage.

Join GBH and NETA to learn all about a new community engagement initiative called Playtime with the Wombats!. This initiative seeks to engage families with young children in active play around computation thinking (CT). The initiative is comprised of two components. The first is an in-person, mobile “pop-up” experience where families can try Wombats! hands-on CT activities and ‘play the show.’ The Pop-Up Activity Exhibit for Families is highly flexible and can be used in a wide variety of settings, such as outdoor events, libraries, or community centers.

Dive into the exciting world of on-air promotions in the NETA Webinar Creating Promos That Stick.

Join Rob Elliot, on-air image/promotions manager for KET, for a dynamic discussion on shaping your promo's content with a clean and easily understood edit. Rediscover the importance of content comprehension, articulating your message, and identifying your audience, while exploring diverse strategies to captivate viewer attention.

Join the Education PLC for an informal discussion and brainstorming session about how to engage with your community during the Back to School season! We want to talk about materials, events, promotions and more. Bring a question to ask and an idea to share to get the most out of this informal discussion session.

The community engagement work of public media stations is a core part of our mission, but is your story being told effectively? This webinar will discuss methods of telling the story of your station's community engagement efforts both internally and externally. On-air spots, printed material, community partners, board of directors/community advisory boards, station staff, and social media.

Learning Goals / Key Takeaways:


Tuesdays, April 4, 11 & 18 | 3-4:30 PM ET

No one has time these days to start new projects. We can't find time; we have to make time. This new Public Media Learns three-part mastermind course will teach you how to increase your capacity and allow you to share your tips for getting things done and hear your colleagues' secrets to time management.

Could it be that many of us have failed to expand our potential because we have allowed what we perceive as capacity to define us? What if our limits are not really our limits?

Join us for a deep dive into the Public Media Learns (PML) platform. PML is the latest tool essential for everyone in public media, no matter their area of discipline. PML offers a collaborative space for NETA member stations to experience community and expand the skills needed to further the mission of public media.


Thursdays, Feb. 28, Mar. 28, Apr. 27 & May 25, 2023  |  2-3 PM ET

In our current world, protection of individual, corporate, and organizational information assets is essential. The concepts of cyber hacking and cyber attacks are becoming more evident. With the new remote to hybrid work environment, these issues are even more prevalent!