Who We Are
The Affinity Group Coalition is comprised of representatives from the Independent Public Television Station Association, the Joint Licensee Group, the Major Market Group, the National Educational Telecommunications Association (NETA), the Organization of State Broadcasting Executives (OSBE), the Small Station Association (SSA) and the University Licensee Association (ULA).
AGC Mission
The Affinity Group Coalition (AGC) was founded to serve as a forum for addressing system-wide issues of interest to public television stations. It is a station-led coalition of two representatives each from public television’s major affinity groups – member organizations that represent public television stations based on licensee type, community size and service profile.
The Affinity Group Coalition exists to enable reliable, productive communications between and among the Affinity Groups in order to:
- Discuss issues that arise within the public television system and expedite meaningful and credible responses that reflect the station community’s stances on issues and concerns;
- Initiate or encourage special projects identified by the AGC or the Affinity Groups (e.g. AGC Planning Project); and
- Act as a council of advisors to national organizations (e.g. APTS, CPB, PBS and NETA).
The AGC’s ultimate goal is to strengthen America’s public television stations, individually and as a whole, in order to better serve the American public.
Membership is open to organizations who have service to public television licensees or subsets thereof as their primary mission, and who show proof that the organization and its elected representatives are authorized by the entity's licensee members to participate and to represent its membership.