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Program Rights Date Range
NOLA Code:
NDGO 0100 H1
Number of Episodes/Length:
12 / 30
Rights End:
Ndigo Foundation
Year Produced:
Bringing Black stories to life to break barriers and bridge communities.

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#101 Jesse Jackson Matters
David Masciotra, author of Why Jesse Jackson Matters, spoke with us about Jackson's contributions to the Democratic Party and how he revolutionized modern politics. An outspoken civil rights leader and two-time presidential candidate, Jackson is a major figure in empowering black Americans to be heard and recognized on the national stage. He also paved the way for Barack Obama's historic rise to the presidency. Jackson is interviewed on his work as a civil rights leader and his international deeds as he has advocated for social and economic justice.

#102 Policy Kings
Harriet Marin Jones is the granddaughter of Edward Jones. She tells the story of her grandfather, in an award documentary - KING OF KINGS. Hermene Hartman interviews her and author Nathaniel Thompson on the game of "Policy" as we look at the life and legacy of Edward Jones. This is a story filled with folklore untold and how he became the richest Black man in America during the Depression. He took a numbers game and made it an enterprise. The game of policy became what is known today as the "Lottery."

#103 Dream Fridge
Meet Dion Dawson from the south side of Chicago. Mr. Dawson is a Navy veteran who came home to eliminate hunger. Humbly he opens a refrigerator to the community and for FREE he distributes 300 pounds of fresh food daily. His dream is to eliminate hunger. He created a "Dream Fridge." His story is one of social entrepreneurship and how one man changed a community. This is an in-depth interview about eradicating food insecurity in America.

#104 Supreme Models
Marcellus Reynolds is the first openly gay man to appear on a major reality TV series. His career started as a model in Chicago that took him to Europe He has walked the red carpet. Hermene Hartman shares an incredible l conversation with Marcellus. He is the author and creator of SUPREME MODELS. It is the first book and documentary of its kind to talk about Black models and their impact on the fashion industry. He celebrates Black beauty.

#105 Dream Catchers
Hermene Hartman is moved to tears as Brenda Myers-Powell tells a compelling story on how she moves from street prostitution to Dreamcatchers. Today she roams the streets to save young women from human trafficking. This is a compelling story of how young women are lured into prostitution and how Powell transforms their lives. Hers is a story of transition, testimony, and resilience.

#106 Gen Z
NDIGO STUDIO interviewed three Gen Z ladies to discuss their career goals, and how they see themselves navigating the world of adulthood. In this candid discussion, each young woman explored her unique experiences and perspectives on topics such as social media, politics, and family. The conversation was open and honest throughout as each woman shared her perspective on adulting. This a thought-provoking discussion about topics that will continue to shape their lives long after graduation. The goal of the interview was to gain insight into what Gen Z ladies are thinking.

#107 Stopping The Game
What does it mean to stop the game? This episode of NDIGO STUDIO chats with champions. Dr. Lloyd Walton is one of three former basketball players to earn a doctorate after time on the court. Craig Hodges was the best three-point shooter of his day. They were both NBA champions. The men discuss what it means to disrupt the game because of social injustices. This is an interview on what champion activists look like.

#108 Rebranding The Brand
Hermene Hartman sits down with Desiree Rodgers and Cheryl McKissick to discuss how they took legendary makeup brands for Black women to a new level. They revitalized the brands of Fashion Fair and Black Opal changing the image and rekindling interest among beauty enthusiasts for women of color. Two enterprising women brought new life to old brands. This is a story about a business journey.

#109 Black Images
Traditional Black image has been filled with stereotypes. Hermene Hartman interviews experts on the Black image. Talking with Angela Ford, an archivist, Dorothy Lavell, newspaper publisher, and talk show host Darryl Dennard. What do popular culture Black images look like on the runway and the cover of fashion magazines? Is it real or is it yet another stereotype?

#110 Dating And Marriage
What is modern romance? What does it take to have a successful relationship? These are the questions we asked experts about the modern dating landscape. This episode discusses dating with apps, like Tinder and Bumble. We look at the experience taken by Mr. and Mrs. Al Gray and what it took to put a ring on it.

#111 Black Harvest
Black Harvest is a platform that celebrates and showcases Black filmmakers, directors, producers, actors, and other creatives in the film industry. They are highlighting emerging talent and recognizing the accomplishments of those who have created an impactful legacy. This is the place where new talent emerges to celebrate and explore American experiences and recognize the African Diaspora.

#112 House Museums
NDIGO STUDIO presents two ladies who have rebirthed new homes. The homes are being transformed into house museums to pay homage to their former inhabitants; The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, The Obsidian House recognized Mr. and Mrs. Lu Palmer and the home of Emmitt Till is revisited,

Program Rights

Broadcast Rights:
Rights Dates:
2/5/2024 - 2/4/2027
School Rights:
V.O.D. Rights:
V.O.D. Rights Type:
Concurrent w/broadcast rights
Linear Live Streaming:
Non-Commercial Cable Rights: